Hi, I've been using a VP-2500HP for over a year now. One of the most consistent problems has been with the triode vision and placement. I have tried everything, with the 4/10 precision settings, triode and footedge 2, and all different acquisition times. It seems to be a software problem of some sort. I'm was using the previous version, and now use the most recent version of the software.
The triode will get picked, go to the camera and either:
Readjust over and over when none is needed Move back and forth too far over the center and not get it Reach the perfect orientation and still drop it. Fail the first time, go for the second one and immediately place it correctly
It's making the machine barely usable as I can never leave it running without consistently having it retry, and its throwing hundreds of dollars of parts. Has anyone else had this problem? Videos show some of the issues. https://streamable.com/9mqpu5 https://streamable.com/ged1t9
My first question is which V2 software version are you using? In which year did you bought the machine i need to know to identify the machine firmware. A-Axis calibration value could be 4.4445 or 17.7777 depending on your machine build date. But if this setting wrong normally other parts not adjusted well too. It is not necessary to use the triode model you can use the general model and check if this is working.
If not maybe the wrong nozzle (needs CN065) used or part not sticking under nozzle enough could check by reducing speed!
This problem with SOT23 case has been around for a long time and is stable. Somehow it helps to put the FootEdge2 alignment algorithm. In this case, about 10 percent of such components are discarded, but two successively are almost never discarded. What problems to align three points within the attached rectangle is completely incomprehensible.
The triode alignment use vector between all pads for angle calculation and this is a problem on low resolution cameras because of limited resolution. It will not fail on HD cameras. Use simply the general vision model and everything is ok.
Its a 2016 machine, and I'm using the v2.073. The A-Axis is at 17.7777. General model works slightly better but the same issues occur. Also, I am using Samsung CN065, and it occurs even on slow speed settings
I have a VP-2500HP machine and am using SW V2.073. I occasionally get issues with SOT23 parts but not very often so certainly wouldn't say that triodes are a major issue for me. Here are the settings I am using for SOT23 parts: Visual Height: 5 Visual Width: 5 Pick Delay: 100 Alignment: XYA Vision Model: 02:Triode Contrast: 200 Brightness: 220 Collect Time: 250ms Nozzle: CN065 Vacuum T: 80 -kPa
One issue I had with SOT23 in the past was that they can jump out of the tape or flip upside down if fed too fast. So I set the feed time to 200ms. This seemed to cure that issue. Hope this is helpful.