The mark camera update need mechanical changes. New machines use different head design now including CAN bus head controller. If you want to upgrade mark camera you need to do your own modifications because exchanging head on 2 head machine is complicated need to disassemble complete Y axis.
We can sell camera and light module parts. Software will support different camera sources now. But there is no mechanical upgrade solution available.
Will there be a document with step-by-step instructions for such changes? Is it possible to do them yourself? What is the price range for this upgrade?
Oil leaked into the lens of my top camera - slowly dissolving the seal of the plastic optics. It took about a day to clean the optics of the oil, but the result was not perfect. I was in the middle of an assembly job, so there was no time for a complete replacement. If I were to replace the camera, it would be nice to get a camera with a sufficiently high resolution. 640x480 pixels is often not enough.
Off topic (sorry): If I want, I can produce a positioning error with the machine that is a multiple of 0.027mm in a few minutes. The mechanics and servo motors/servo controllers are in perfect condition. The control panel, however, is the original 32-bit one Rounding errors are likely to accumulate with the 32-bit float data type.
It's impossible to change camera to new USB one on this machine, because if you want to exchange you need to disassemble the complete X-axis assembly! (new mechanical parts needed for head assembly and ball screw nut holder) New machines use different construction where head assembly is separated from ball screw nut holder block. This camera need more Z space and has bigger form factor.
The machine resolution is 0.025mm in your case. It depends on firmware version if 64bit coordinates supported. You should not use oil for machine lubrication! We can sell a new top camera assembly as installed on your machine.
It's possible to upgrade machine controller on your machine to V3 version. This needs Ethernet connection for control. Resolution can be increased to 0.01mm but need to change stepper driver and servo setup.
I took a photo of the supposed mount for the upper video camera. The backlight is attached with 2 screws. The video camera with 4 screws. Right? Why disassemble the entire X-axis then? Is it possible to install another camera, like from your news on the site? head camera.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
My news show information about new machines use USB HD cameras! The mechanical design of the head got changed on all new 2 head machines as i reported before. There is no mount for new camera under old head and the new camera height is bigger. This cause possible collision on push feeder head because the hole assembly is on lower position. You need new mechanics to solve that problem and this need to disassemble the x axis.
As i said before you can try to add any custom solution by yourself but we cannot offer a simple solution to upgrade the old design.
This is the new pnp head but it need a second part carrying the ball screw nut mounted on X-axis. In previous design this was one part and camera mountig position was different too!
>> Why can't you use a similar USB camera? There are more compact options. We need a camera that is available in the long term, and after all, our design is already finished. The V2 software also supports other HD USB cameras, but this needs to be tested!
I asked more for help in the possibility of replacing the camera. Since you know more information as a manufacturer. And I provided photos of small cameras so that I can choose it myself if you do not have a suitable one. But I do not know whether the program will support it. What should I pay attention to in this case? Or only by trial and error?
The controllers are compatible and not a big problem to replace but you need ethernet connection instead of USB for your machine. Any USB HD Camera using standard windows driver should work.