Hi, I have a project that uses all heads but head 6. Now I want to speed up the process by using multiple heads at the same time. Is there any way I can get the same feature as I get with "2 head same" but with my nozzle changer enabled? I can get it to mount the same 0402 parts with dual head action ONLY if I have selected 2 head same, but then I assume it won't mount my other parts that has require bigger nozzles.
Ideally, I want to first place all small parts with nozzles placed in 1 and 6 (I rarely use 6 ad want to place a CN030 in that position). Alternatively if I can't do that, I want to use both the CN030 and CN040 for my 0402 parts, it works fine with a CN040 for placing 0402 as far as I can tell, not 0201s though, so the best would be to be able to tell the machine I have 2 CN030 nozzles.
Please advice how I use dual heads with the nozzle changer option enabled, if I use head changer and tell it 2 head different, change A1/A2 it mounts all my 0402 with single head and then when it needs another head it changes that in head 2, but that is not really ideal in any way...
Ok first setup nozzle changer mode in strategy settings to double head same.
Use 2 slots in nozzle changer for same nozzle type.
Head A1 and A2 will use same nozzle if available and if only single nozzle in nozzle changer head A1 get replaced by next nozzle. |addpics|iq-e-a161.png,iq-f-a167.png|/addpics|