I have a problem on the VP2500 in which the vacuum head turns on a little bit above a 0603 part. The vacuum is strong enough to lift the part out of the pocket. Sometimes the part turns on is side as it is lifted out of the pocket. The vision software does not detect this as a problem and the part is placed on its side.
Is there a way to not turn on the vacuum until the head is closer to the part? Or is the only solution to lower the vacuum?
Hi Bob, I think you need to adjust the pickup height. Move the nozzle down to the part surface and take over the Z position in nozzle changer settings or Basic settings or local feeder settings depending on position you want to adjust.
- Nozzle changer settings if you use nozzle changer - Basic settings if onle double head used - Local feeder setting if you want to adjust pickup height for each feeder. You need for plastic tapes and trays sometimes for paper tapes too.
It is not the pickup height. The nozzle comes down to the right height. The problem is that the vacuum turns on while the nozzle is still well above the part. Is there a "get" equivalent of the "put delay"?
Smallest nozzle. Not using the nozzle changer. Only one pick-up head.
That's a strange behaviour we need to collect more information to solve this problem. The pickup delay starts when nozzle reached the part surface. How did you set the pick- and put delay?