We have a 2500XD vision placer with lead screws. We got the machine used from another user who used it to make flawless boards. We tested it for a bit and picked up some parts and placed them on a panel, figuring out to enter the panelization distance.
We turned it on today entered an Eagle .mnt file, made a new feeder group. When we tried to place a part however the head moves to the feeder but then won't go down to pick up a part, but it also doesn't throw an error or try to place the part. Basically it just stops without any feedback.
We probably tweaked some distance and timing files for vacuum but can't imagine what we did.
Please check the video here https://www.smallsmt.biz/education-videos/ for better understanding of basic functions. Download the latest manual from our website. You can contact me by email for password.
Sometimes these issues happens because of USB problems. Connect the machine directly to PC on a short distance (<3m). Do not connect the air compressor and the PC plus machine to each other via an extension cable to the power supply, as the compressor produces a lot of EMC and the USB controller does not tolerate this!
This problem continues to bedevil us. We spent lots of time restarting. This is a provisional (as in may not be necessary) solution that worked once - after other restarts had failed. This may not be necessary at all if we can find what is causing it in the software (or maybe it's a bug)
To repeat the symptoms - the head goes to the right place, then stops without descending or picking up part No errors are thrown Machine / program is just dead
1) Save files 2) Turn off pick and place 3) Restart Windows 4) Turn on PnP 5) Open Eleesem SMT control system V2.032 software 5) Loader Feeder Group 6) Load program
OK - we'll update software. I think we may be on V2.042
We spent a lot of time today looking for the issue with no satisfaction. Many restarts that were not successful.
In particular one vision error, caused by an upside down panel, seemed to permanently bring the machine to it's knees. Really - out to lunch after nozzle reached the first part.
Is there any error log or debugging log that can be turned on to help with these issues? It's not throwing any errors at us in the feedback field.
Software updated to 2.044. No joy on getting nozzles to drop. Vacuum can cause this behavior?
There's no kind of error log debugging we can turn on? It would be a good suggestion for the software team, but I'm sure they have lots they are working on.
Thanks for the kind offer. Are those text files? Is there a document that describes these files somewhere?
We did get things working again after running CheckDisk - and we had to do it a second time which worked also. It's a bit of painful recovery but did work. Maybe we'll figure out what we are doing that is causing the problem. One thing I thought about (but haven't tested) is that shutting off the machine with software open (without proper shutdown) may have caused some kind of file corruption. This has happened inadvertently I'm sure.
No they are bin files and yes an easy answer if your pc file system is garbage or ssd caching or dying problem the software can’t work well because files get destroyed!!!