When starting a pnp job after having simulated the same job, the software always pops up an error message saying "Library has nozzle". You can only start the placement job after closing the software, reopening it, reconnecting to the machine and opening the project again.
Software version is V2.053. It happens with every pnp file we use, but only after performing "Camera Simulate". When trying to pick any nozzle after "Camera Simulate" the message "Head has suction nozzle already" pops up, although neither head has a suction nozzle. When trying to drop the "ghost nozzle" the software tells "The nozzle changer slot is not empty" for every slot.
It got even more interesting: now we want to pick&place a new PCB. After performing "Camera Simulate" we switched the Placement Mode to "Mount parts". When pressing "Start", the error "Library Has Nozzle" pops up and at the same time one CL feeder opens. When pressing "OK", the CL feeder closes again... In order to be able to pick&place we have to restart the software... Software version is still V2.053