Michael, I am having trouble getting fiducials to work properly. As I understand fiducails help map the board location and orientation in the machine. So we tell the software that Mark 1 is at machine location (machine mark 1 X) MM1X and MM1Y and that Mark 2 is at MM2X and MM2Y. Now the machine can move the camera directly to Mark 1 or Mark2. We also the the software that relative to the Board Mark 1 is a BM1X and BM1Y. Same for Mark 2. So knowing all this the software and computer all the part placements from the board coordinate since it knows how to compute the offsets relative to the fiducial marks.
I can not see how this works. My fixture is off just a little bit relative to the X axis of the machine so it just misses Mark 2 by half a mm which is enough to not see it. How can I deal with the second mark being off by half a mm?
Explicitly, where can I set MM1X, MM1Y, MM2X MM2Y, BM1X, BM1Y, BM2X, and BM2Y?
This may be related to another forum post called "Using manual mark point set" which was never answered.
Finally, if there is an answer to this would you add it to the manual at some point.